Bhakt Chandrika is the 5th Bhakta Charitamala summary. This book contains spiritually charged stories from ardent devotees such as Sakkubai, Jyoti Panta, Vitthatadasa, Bhakta Narayanadasa, and others.
Some of the stories in this book are from the book "Santleelamratsay," while others are from the book "Bhaktekar Jai."
The book depicts how God the Almighty is obligated to extend his services to his devotees and vows to provide complete security and attend to their needs. The book exemplifies selfless dedication.
- Author: Hanuman Prasad Poddar
- Publisher: Gita Press, Gorakhpur
- Language: Sanskrit Text with Hindi translation
- Pages: 80
- Cover: Paperback
- Product Type: Religious Books
- Weight: 70 gram
- Size: 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch