Khadau is a form of an ancient footwear that was worn was priests and sages. Khadau finds its mentions even in the Vedas. In the Vedas, a Khadau has been described as a footwear with a wooden plank for base with a block of wood on top to support the wearer's toe fingers.
And just like everything in Sanatan Dharm, Khadaus are backed by scientific reasoning too. When we walk on earth, our body's electromagnetic currents get absorbed by the earth's energy. To save the biological energy in their bodies, priests and saints wore footwear made of wood since wood is an excellent insulator and acts as a barrier between one's feet and the earth.
Wearing a khadau helps one to subdue their sensual pleasures and enhances spiritual growth.
Sanatan has sourced the best quality Khadaus made of Saharanpur's best Sheesham wood and these are available in different sizes for both men and women.
Size 8
Length: 10.5 inch
Weight: 514 grams